App Radio Power Strike Privacy Policy
We respect and care about the privacy of our users.
Supply and customization
To access the App Radio Power Strike, no account is required (no login). We process data on the user’s device without login, ensuring the correct functioning of the services: device IP address, information contained in cookies or other similar technologies, session data. Processing of your location data is not necessary.
We do not contact our users as part of technical support or to collect feedback on the app. We do not use personal data, including email addresses and other data relating to the identity of users, for the marketing purposes of other entities.
How do we protect personal data?
We respect our users’ personal data and strive to provide protection at the highest level. We operate in accordance with applicable law and use reasonable administrative, logical and physical safeguards to protect personal data from loss, theft, unauthorized access, use or modification. These safeguards are intended to guarantee a level of security adequate to the risks related to the processing of our users’ personal data.
We implement and enforce various data protection policies, incl. pseudonymization, data encryption, access control and data is stored in a secure and certified Data Center.