Bifloricgender Flag

Orientationgender is a state when one’s gender is one’s orientation, or when one’s orientation is so intrinsically tied to their gender that they absolutely cannot separate the two. One’s experience of their gender may be so heavily influenced by one’s orientation, to the point that the line between one’s identity as a given orientation and one’s experience of gender are blurred.
The word “orientation” can be replaced with one’s orientation label. Examples include gaygender, vinciangender, lesbiangender, acegender, arogender, etc.
Floric is an orientation characterized by being a non-woman attracted to or desiring/having relationships with other non-women. This attraction does not have to be exclusive. It includes gay men, other mlm, and other nblm, nblnb and mlnb identities. It includes non-binary people of any alignment as long as they identify as a non-woman to some degree.
The five striped floric flag.
It can be used as a counterpart to lesbian in some instances. It can be used as a synonym for “gay men” though this does not fully encapsulate the nature of this identity. It can be used as a specific identity or as an umbrella term for any non-women who prioritize their attraction to non-women.