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Noche & Niebla by Alessio Puleo

Noche and Niebla by Alessio Puleo book



A moving story of love, friendship and improvement, where the voices of the forgotten make themselves heard. Thomas and Matt are the best friends ever. One Jewish, the other German. One night of clandestine party, at the dawn of the beginning of the Second World War, both will meet the love of their lives. Due to the persecution of homosexuals during the Nazi regime, due to the Nacht und Nebel (“Noche & Niebla”) edict, issued by Hitler, they will face situations that will put them in danger of death on many occasions, but they will measure how far Human beings are capable of fighting for love. Jews and Germans alike, will be part of an unscrupulous slaughter, which does not consider race or social condition. A novel narrated through a couple of grandparents who tell his grandson, Ben, the human reality behind the history books.

Italian writer, Alessio Puleo is known for his youth novels with a large romantic component. You will listen to my heart was his first book published in Spanish. He addresses themes in his novels that are treated superficially in public opinion. To write part of what he hears, of the attention and reflection that is born in contact with others. His imagination, then, arises from reality to later create different ways of approaching human problems and questioning what happens to us every day through literature. He is, in short, a writer committed to society who tries to make visible issues that involve us all.

He now presents in Argentina “NOCHE & NIEBLA”, edited by Del Fondo Editorial.

The title of this novel is inspired by: “Night and Fog Decree” or “Nacht und Nebel Decree” (in German: Nacht und Nebel-Erlass, from Nacht night and Nebel, fog, that is, secretly), or also “ Decree NN”, in reference to its particular operation and the application of practices of forced disappearance of persons, including the murder of prisoners of war whose rights were then protected by the Geneva Convention. The prisoners taken in application of this decree were deported in a hidden way, without keeping testimony or record of the facts and their circumstances, to specific concentration camps (wikipedia).

Alessio tells us that he is not homosexual, but he feels like a great ally of the LGBT community, contributing his best from his literature.

“I’m not gay but I decided to fight for the community because the time has come for everyone…to change.” “My book has the great objective of sensitizing those who still live today with prejudices towards the LGBT community.” Alessio Puleo

Alessio Puleo was born in Carini, a small town in the province of Palermo, on June 17, 1981, under the sign of Gemini. In 1998 he graduated as a surveyor. In 2001 he completed his military service in the police. In 2002 he created a theatrical non-profit association, called «Actors by chance.» An association created by young people with the sole purpose of having fun and having the opportunity to cultivate their own desires to do theater, but without monetary benefit. Alessio and his company work through the various squares of Sicily showing hilarious comedies in Sicilian dialect. In 2007 the publishing house Ottavio Navarra (“Navarra Editor”), now believes in him, giving him the opportunity to publish the book about the woman he met during her military service, which gives him the right “The Mother of the Carabinieri.” With the publication of the novel, Alessio immediately arouses the interest of Rai radio programs, many national newspapers, television and by most of the television presenters of national networks. In the same year, at the request of his readers, he decided to write and publish for DNX “The infinite heartbeats”, sequel to “You will listen to my heart”.

Now we have the great opportunity to meet the work of this talented Italian writer through this great literary work.


Source: Radio Power Strike with Latitud Gay

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