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Power Strike Interviews: Oliver Jähnke – The Visionary Behind “Queers of the World”

Power Strike Interviews: Oliver Jähnke - The Visionary Behind "Queers of the World"
(Image: Radio Power Strike)


From the bustling city of Gothenburg, Sweden, Oliver is a transgender man on a mission: to amplify and spotlight the diversity within the LGBTQIA+ community. He’s the driving force and heart behind “Queers of the World“, a YouTube channel that not only celebrates the stories of LGBTQIA+ individuals but also delves into the nuances and richness of their experiences. Through his interviews, Oliver takes us on a global journey, exploring varied cultures, challenges, and triumphs that LGBTQIA+ individuals face around the world. His work stands as a testament to the strength, resilience, and beauty of the global Queer community.

Queers of the World Oliver Jähnke
(Oliver Jähnke)

Oliver, YouTube has been a significant platform for many in their personal journeys. Can you share how specific content or creators influenced your decision to start “Queers of the World”?

YouTube was such an important part of me realizing I was trans. I remember devouring everything that I could come across where transgender people talked about their trans identity. I watched everything from Jamie Dodger talking about trans memes to a panel of trans guys talking about dating.

The ones that mostly influenced me to start the channel was I’m from Driftwood (that make interviews with American queer people), and My Genderation (that make short documentaries about Brittish trans people.)

The media often showcases a limited perspective of the LGBTQIA+ community. How do you ensure that “Queers of the World” represents a broad spectrum of voices and experiences?

I can never ensure that, but I’m doing my best to include as many voices as possible. I am always prioritizing people that are marginalized within our community and actively seeking out people who’s voices are rarely heard. I also ask my viewers what topics/identities they want me to cover, and I’m doing my best to find people that can give them that.

Many individuals within the LGBTQIA+ community sometimes feel marginalized or misunderstood. How do you think we can foster greater inclusivity and understanding?

I think that people need to listen to us more, to our voices. We have to be allowed to set the agenda and to be invited to speak about things that we feel passionate about.

But we also need to listen to eachother, and to realize that we don’t automatically become experts and inclusive just because we’re queer. Why do many bisexual people feel excluded from lesbian and gay communities? Why do asexual and aromantic people feel left out when we put so much focus on “love is love”? Why do many disabled people skip going to Pride because of the lack of accessibility? There are so many things we can learn from eachother, and that is beautiful!

Throughout your journey with “Queers of the World,” you’ve met many individuals with unique stories. How have these interactions shaped your understanding of self-acceptance and personal growth within the LGBTQIA+ community?

Something that really has inspired me is how much strength and power there is in the queer community. I’ve meet so many people who’ve talked about different things they’ve had to go through just because of their identity, things that no one should have to. And all these people have found ways to handle this, to use their anger, frustration and sadness to make things better. Everyone has different ways of doing it, whether it’s opening queer meeting places, making products that make life easier for trans people, creating art or being a mentor to someone else. This inspires me so much!

As you continue producing videos and capturing stories, are there specific regions or narratives you’re particularly excited to explore next?

The goal is to interview someone from every country in the world and to continue sharing stories from different corners of our beautiful LGBTQIA+ community. I want everyone who visits my page to find at least one person that they can identify with.

How do you view the role of allies in supporting and amplifying the voices of the LGBTQIA+ community? What message would you like to convey to them?

Listen to us, believe what we’re saying and help amplifying our voices. Talk to your cis het allo friends about queer struggles, reshare our posts on social media, speak up when you hear people say bad things and pay us! Give us paid opportunities to share our art, knowledge, experiences in different ways.

Oliver, considering your journey and the mission of “Queers of the World,” could you share a heartfelt message for our listeners and readers at Radio Power Strike?

You are not alone! There are so many people out there who are going through similar things as you, and there are people who have made it out of situations that look like the one you’re currently in. Don’t be afraid to reach out, ask questions, connect to others. The queer community really is like a family and wherever you are, wherever you go, there are people that want to receive you as a part of this family.

Connect with Oliver and “Queers of the World

For more inspiring stories and insights from the global LGBTQIA+ community, be sure to follow Oliver and his project, “Queers of the World“, on their official channels:

Oliver’s journey and the voices he showcases in “Queers of the World” are a vibrant celebration of LGBTQIA+ diversity and strength. We invite you to dive deeper into this tapestry of stories and experiences by watching our special video feature. Each voice, each story, each captured moment stands as a testament to the power of community and the significance of representation. Don’t miss out on connecting with these inspiring narratives and feeling Oliver’s passion and dedication in his mission to unite LGBTQIA+ voices from across the globe.

Watch the video now!


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