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National Survey of Living Conditions of Sexual and Generic Diversity in Argentina



What is it about?

The National Survey of Living Conditions of Sexual and Generic Diversity is the first study at the country level that seeks to generate quality statistical information on the LGTBQ+ population. This project has four lines of action: survey, interviews, organization mapping and bibliographic survey.


One of the actions of the project consists of carrying out a survey, at the national level, on the living conditions of the population of sexual and gender diversity. By living conditions we understand mainly, but not exclusively, those forms of relationship with the labor/productive and economic environment that allow them to guarantee their subsistence. The anonymous survey is virtual and self-completed. It can be completed until June 30, 2023.

In a few days you will be able to access the online form.




While the project seeks to generate information that contributes to the design of public policies, the second of the actions consists of conducting qualitative interviews with referents from different spaces (public administration, activist, business, union, cooperative). The purpose of these interviews is to reconstruct, from an expert perspective, the problems surrounding sexual and gender diversity in its connection with the economic spheres.

Organization Mapping


The third action identifies the different organizations, groups and cultural spaces related to sexual and gender diversity in different parts of the country. The objective of this action is to explore and situate the actions that are being carried out in order to improve the living conditions of the population of sexual and gender diversity in different locations of the country.

Bibliographic Survey


In order to contribute to the federalization of knowledge, this action seeks to identify and systematize the contributions that have been made up to now from different spaces —academics, activists, public administration, etc.—. This exhaustive bibliographical survey proposes a contribution to the classification and eventual circulation of the works already carried out on topics related to our project.


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Source: Radio Power Strike with Latitud Gay


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